Hi I’m Stuart Cooper.

A UK-based service-design and digital product specialist with over 20 years experience.

I help start-ups and large enterprises to prototype, test and launch accessible digital experiences that delight end-users.

I have strong domain expertise in healthcare and energy.


Years operating across a wide variety of sectors


Big brand enterprise clients


Start-up roles


Client repeat rate

Let’s do great work together.

UX audit

Rapid review and recommendations for existing digital products that may be falling short for investors or customers.

Service blueprinting

Journey-mapping workshops and 5-day sprints to rocket-fuel your most pressing service design challenges.

Product roadmapping

Interim Product Owner (Agile development) and roadmapping to qualify and prioritise features for commercial success.

Proud track record with big brands and ambitious start-ups.

Recent projects.

  • Ori Biotech

    Helping these Cambridge cell-therapy pioneers to optimise the user-interface for their CAR-T cell production instrument.

  • EXI

    Supporting this UK/US consumer health start-up (ex-Apple founders) build a clinically-validated ‘Exercise on Prescription’ iOS/WatchOS app for NHS and US-insurer customers to reduce obesity. Worked in a fast-moving environment to conceive and implement Gen2.0 features and build a compelling impact reporting dashboard.

  • NHS / Energy Systems Catapult

    Service design adviser for the nationally recognised ‘Warm Home Prescription’ service which supports chronically-ill respiratory patients to afford safe levels of heating. I led on service design, referral platform and patient communications for the last three winters.

  • AtkinsRealis - Decarbonomics®

    Design authority for a new decarbonisation platform for commercial buildings. I have helped to define the proposition and visualise the product dashboard for this ambitious net-zero tool.

How can I help you?

UX audit

Design agency vision lost in translation? Engineers been left with UX/UI decisions for too long? Investors sounding underwhelmed? Customers not beating a path to your door?

I specialise in lightning-fast, team-energising UX audits that will gift you a prioritised list of recommended improvements that will deliver the highest impact for least disruption.

I’m here for you when the large expensive agencies have left.

  • Establish or refine user-persona assumptions

  • Review or compile a list of use-scenarios

  • Extract and markup existing user-interface with suggested areas of friction or high cognitive load (Figjam board)

  • Build on existing screens to mock-up low-regret areas of improvements (Figma canvas and/or prototype)

  • Document recommendations into near-term and backlog.

I will...

  • Shortlists of improvements and timetabling recommendations

  • Usability/accessibility hazards highlighted

  • Suggested changes in a visual prototype you can size with your developers

  • A Board/Exec-friendly report to help you pitch for change

So that you get...



Service blueprinting

Greenfield project or fledgeling digital service? Aware you need the user experience mapping but not got the method experience in your current teams? Make sure you don’t miss this opportunity to fully explore and define a friction-free UX across all the best user touchpoints.

I have a large body of experience working with diverse teams to produce both Journey Maps and Service Blueprints that form the single-point of truth for building complex new services.

I can pour rocket-fuel on your process with a 5-day Design Sprint workshop.

  • Meet you to understand the project terrain

  • Organise the logistics for a memorable workshop

  • Skillfully facilitate the best design workshop(s) you’ve attended

  • Address user pains/gains in a value proposition canvas exercise

  • Stress-test your user persona assumptions

  • Build a credible consumer panel test-group

  • Document our time in a beautiful service blueprint (Figjam) or similar

I will...

  • Either an intense 5 (or 3) day offsite workshop, or, where needed, a 2-3 week programme

  • Service-design artefacts that you can leverage in your planning

  • Fresh design-thinking from an experienced hand

  • Service clarity you can evangelise with the Exec, investor or operational team

  • Shopping list of backstage processes, resources and development requirements

  • And maybe you’ll then need… (see below)

So that you get...



Product roadmapping

Agile process run away with itself? Product management function playing requirements catch-up? Too many MVP features, not enough dev resource?

Let me parachute in as your new Product Owner (PO) and work fast to qualify real user needs and ruthlessly hold product quality when pressure hits.

I will use great product management platforms like Jira Product Discovery or Productboard to help your whole team visualise a recipe for success.

  • Understand the cadence of your agile development process

  • Analyse the current and next sprints to flag any low-confidence feature plans

  • Build-out a solid foundation of user profiles and use scenarios

  • Take practical steps to engage users and qualify real unmet needs (Jobs to be Done framework)

  • Assemble existing and emerging requirements into a product management platform you will love

  • Run impact/effort assessment to derive feature priorities

  • Work with you to schedule these sanitised elements

I will...

  • Consolidated requirements in a navigable space

  • Feature schedule to show stakeholders

  • Crystal-clarity on the MVP recipe for success

  • Confidence that a fast-moving agile development is tackling true customer priorities

  • Experience and confidence in engaging end-users and documenting insights

So that you get...



Design pedigree you ask? Cut from good cloth.

Remember me for

Data visualisation and dashboard specialist.

Service design for vulnerable consumers. Low carbon technologies and energy systems.

Hardcore medical device/regulated products experience (Class I/IIa/IIb/III through UK CA, CE and FDA approvals).

Lean UX masterclass; my method playbook and tool cheat-code will get you to launch faster.